Que - What is copy constructor? Ans- C opy constructor is a member function that initializes a…
Que - What is copy constructor? Ans- C opy constructor is a member function that initializes a…
Que - Define different layers of internet? Ans- The Internet layer, also known as the network l…
Que - what is cloud computing? Ans - cloud computing is today very popular source of storing da…
Que - What is parameterized constructor? Ans. Parameterized constructor:- Parameterized constru…
Que - what is destructor? Ans- DESTRUCTOR is a special type of member function of class, which …
Que- what is constructor? Explain it? Ans- Constructor are special type of member function of c…
Que- what is function overloading? Ans- Function overloadig is use in most of the object orient…
Que- what is CLASSES and OBJECTS ? Ans- Classes are the user defined data type, which holds its…
Que- what is friend function? Ans- A friend function is a special function in c++ which is no…
Que- Make a program for hierarchical inheritance? #include <iostream> using namespace …
Que - make a program for multiple inheritance? #include <iostream> using namespace st…
Que- make a program for simple inheritance? #include <iostream> using namespace std; …
Que- Make a program for simple inheritance? #include <iostream> using namespace std; …
Que - make a program for function overloading? #include <iostream> using namespace st…
Que - make a program for classes and objects? #include <iostream> using namespace std…
Que - make a program for destructor? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class …
Que- Make a program for parameterized constructor? #include <iostream> using namespace…
Que - make a program for calculate area? #include <iostream> using namespace std; vo…
Que - make a program for swapping of two numbers? #include <iostream> using namespace …
Que-make a program for reverse a string? #include <iostream> using namespace std; in…
Que - Make a program for factorial calculation? #include <iostream> using namespace …
Que-Make a program for friend function? #include <iostream> using namespace std; cla…
Que- solution of kickstart sample problem practice round? #include <iostream> using na…
Que- Make a program for solving diamond problem in hybrid inheritance? #include <iostream&g…
Que-make a program by simple inheritance method? #include <iostream> using namespace …
Que- make a program by using class? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class …
Que - make a program by using conditional statement? #include <iostream> using namespa…
Que - make a program by using switch case? #include <iostream> using namespace std; …
Que- Make a program by using switch case? #include <iostream> using namespace std; i…
Que- make a program for taking and giving input and output in one line for more than 1 variabl…
Que- make a program on Enter 2 numbers by function overriding? #include <iostream> using …
Que - make a program for adding two numbers by prototype method? #include <iostream> us…